After opening all of our gifts at home, we headed down to Mom Mom and Pop Pop Krupka's. We waited for Josh and Anna to arrive and then we began to open even more presents. Mikayla got so many gifts from all of the family, she just tossed them all aside and started coloring. She was very overwhelmed by all of the things.

One of her favorite gifts was a chef hat and apron. She wanted to wear it for the rest of the day. She helped me make an apron for Pop Pop, and they both wore them while finishing up making Christmas dinner. Mikayla wore her apron instead of a bib while eating.

The day after Christmas, we went to my Mom's house. All of her kids pooled money to buy her a new TV. She really wanted this particular TV, and she was extremely surprised that she got it from us. Needless to say she loved it!

Mikayla has recently started loving wearing scarves, so Kristi knitted her one for Christmas. She loved it and wore it most of the rest of the day!

Although she really loved the scarf from Kristi, her favorite gift was from Aunt Dana. She got a Minnie Mouse dress and light up sparkly shoes. She put the dress and the shoes on and walked around showing everyone how the shoes lit up. She was very blessed with so many wonderful things from both families. We have tried to keep her grounded, and she seems to not expect lots of things from people. We pray she continues to realize this.
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