Today we took a trip to the Air Force Base Museum. The weather was beautiful and Mikayla was very excited to see airplanes. My mom and siblings came with us and Mikayla was so excited to have her aunts and uncles come too.
Mikayla in the cockpit.
Mikayla and her Aunts and Uncles in the cargo area
I am the oldest of 7 children and I grew up in Delaware. I attended Baptist Bible College and have my B.S. in Elementary Education.
I married an amazing man I actually have known most of my life. I grew up being friends with his younger brother, and only knew him that way. While away at college, we connected and were married shortly after I graduated.
We currently have four children, 2 girls and 2 boys. We have built our home on the family deer farm, and are beginning our homeschooling journey.
We love the Lord Jesus Christ and strive to honor Him in raising our children and making our home.
I'm excited to share through this blog how I am growing and learning as a wife and mother, and how I am organizing my life and home.
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