Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home Time

Today we stayed home and did pretty much nothing.  It was really nice after such a crazy day yesterday.  Mikayla and Calli spent the morning playing together, then Calli went down perfectly for her morning nap!  Mikayla played in her toy room until Calli woke up.  Then we all ate lunch and the girls went down for afternoon nap time.  Again, perfectly!  I enjoyed my down time by reading a book and drinking coffee.  I am so used to not being able to make noise during nap time that I still think I can't do any cleaning.  I spent all morning cleaning and tidying things up so by nap time, I rewarded myself with a book! 

I am so thankful that I have gotten into that habit.  I have really been enjoying nap time in the new house.  I have done a few household chores during naps these past few weeks, but for the most part I have down time with the girls.  Mikayla loves to help me clean and tidy things up, so I put her energy to good use and show her how to clean.  I love it!  I know it won't last forever so I am taking advantage now.

Matt went back to the apartment tonight for some final odds and ends we haven't brought down yet.  We are having friends over tomorrow so I have quite a few boxes to unpack before that happens so I had better get to work.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Daddy Time

Well here I am at the end of the day, the day I said I would commit to post every day.  So here I begin my commitment. 

Today was a very full day here at the Krupka house.  I had a doctor appointment this morning.  I left Mikayla with Mom Mom Krupka, and she was absolutely thrilled!  She had a blast playing and eating with Mom Mom.  I came home and fed both girls lunch and then they went down for a nap.  I caught up on bill paying and reading during this short down time today.

After I woke the girls up (I hate that they sleep long on days I have to be somewhere), I took Mikayla back to Mom Mom Krupka's so I could meet Matt at our attorney's office.  We signed our settlement papers and we are officially poor!  Yay we have waited so long to be homeowners...and now we are! 

We came home and quickly ate dinner so I could pack back up and head to church for a meeting.  I am helping with our children's church time program and we had preparations to make.  This allowed for some daddy/daughter bonding time.  It was great fun for them all (insert sarcastic laugh here).  Mikayla had a potty accident on the new carpet and Calli didn't last as long as I thought she would between feedings.  So daddy had to clean up a mess, bathe Mikayla, and occupy Calli until I got home.  Needless to say, he was overwhelmed by the time I got home.  I bit my tongue and didn't say "Welcome to my everyday"; I was just grateful that he stayed with the girls while I got some much needed work done at church.

Even though it was a rough night, daddy did get some cute pictures of Calli.  I think he secretly loves having two daughters.


New House

Wow it is unbelievable how much time has passed since I last posted on here.  I think I am going to make the commitment to post every evening to help with my memory of things. 

So much has happened since my last post.  We finished with the building process and we are moved into our new house!  It has been a crazy couple of weeks, but so well worth it.  Lots of last minute decisions to make for every single part of our house!  Now we only have to decide where to hang our many pictures that have been in storage.

Mikayla had a rough couple of nights for the first week we moved in.  She was adjusting to having an actual bedroom, and not sleeping in the family room.  I sat with her while she sang and finally fell asleep in her bed.  We didn't move her to a big girl bed just yet.  We decided to make the changes one at a time.  In a few weeks she will be sleeping in a big girl bed!  She can't wait!

Calli also had an adjustment period.  She is sleeping in our room still, but is very much a homebody.  Since we changed homes, her comfort of being home had to change as well.  She was much more fussy and tired during the first week in our new home.  She has finally adjusted and is our happy, content baby again.

I have also had some adjustments.  I actually have a house to clean now.  Cleaning the apartment used to take me about an hour...for the entire thing!  Now I have broken the cleaning down for a little bit to be done each day.  So far I have kept up with things and I am enjoying have a home to keep. 

Lastly, Matt had to make his own adjustments as well.  He has left for work out of almost every door in the house and returns through a different door than when he left.  He also has to walk around the kitchen in the morning to find the things he needs.  They used to all be in one place for lack of space.  Now they are all spread throughout the kitchen. 

Even with all of our adjustments, we are absolutely loving our new home!  Kiddos are sleeping better and parents have some actual down time...sans kids!  And I can clean and do dishes and such during nap time without the threat of waking babies!  We are so grateful to our Lord who has provided a beautiful refuge for our family, and we pray we can use our home to bring glory to God!