Today was a very full day here at the Krupka house. I had a doctor appointment this morning. I left Mikayla with Mom Mom Krupka, and she was absolutely thrilled! She had a blast playing and eating with Mom Mom. I came home and fed both girls lunch and then they went down for a nap. I caught up on bill paying and reading during this short down time today.
After I woke the girls up (I hate that they sleep long on days I have to be somewhere), I took Mikayla back to Mom Mom Krupka's so I could meet Matt at our attorney's office. We signed our settlement papers and we are officially poor! Yay we have waited so long to be homeowners...and now we are!
We came home and quickly ate dinner so I could pack back up and head to church for a meeting. I am helping with our children's church time program and we had preparations to make. This allowed for some daddy/daughter bonding time. It was great fun for them all (insert sarcastic laugh here). Mikayla had a potty accident on the new carpet and Calli didn't last as long as I thought she would between feedings. So daddy had to clean up a mess, bathe Mikayla, and occupy Calli until I got home. Needless to say, he was overwhelmed by the time I got home. I bit my tongue and didn't say "Welcome to my everyday"; I was just grateful that he stayed with the girls while I got some much needed work done at church.
Even though it was a rough night, daddy did get some cute pictures of Calli. I think he secretly loves having two daughters.
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