Saturday, March 27, 2010

Surprise Daddy!

This morning we had a baby shower and tonight we had a surprise party. It was a long day, but a fun one. I decided to throw Matt a surprise birthday party even though I had a small baby at home. Matt's parents hosted the party and helped with the food preparation as well. After the shower in the morning we spent the afternoon trying to "get rid" of Matt and set up for the party.

My sister Dana had some computer troubles that he finally agreed to go work on. Once he was out of sight, we began setting things up. We were totally set up and everyone waiting when he finally decided to head home.

He knew there was a party once he pulled into the driveway because all of the cars were there. He said he knew I was going to have a party, but he just didn't know when. I guess when I surprised him with a 25th party I mentioned having one when he was 30. He remembered and was just waiting.

It was a great night of fellowship with friends and and family. So glad Daddy turned 30 so we could party!

Baby Shower

Today Kristi had a baby shower for Calli ad me. Mikayla came and had so much fun. It was such a nice time with friends and family. Because we didn't really need much in the way of girls clothes, we got tons of diapers!

So many people also brought gifts for Mikayla and she really loved them all! She enjoyed the party and all of the wonderful gifts.

We also enjoyed a wonderful cake!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daily Life...Now

Just wanted to share some of the pictures of our daily life now. Mikayla is loving being a big sister and Calli is such a low maintenance baby. I love being a mom of two!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Snuggle Bug

While Mikayla didn't like to snuggle at all when she was a baby, Calli loves to snuggle. She is such a great sleeper.

Such a precious thing to see Daddy and daughter snuggling.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life with two

Matt was able to take the week off and stay home to help. He took advantage of being home to spread some crushed concrete on our driveway. With all of the rain we have had we had huge puddles under our deck where we park our van. Mikayla sat on the steps to watch while Calli and I sat at the top of the steps and took pictures.

After "playing" outside for a while, it was time to eat dinner, shower and head to bed. Mikayla loves to play in the shower. She is such a ham.
I also decided to give Calli her first bath tonight too. She was not nearly as thrilled about it as her sister was.
Calli was exhausted after fighting me during her bath. And Mikayla was ready to play again. I really love my girls.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hospital Day 1

She has a name! Calli Elizabeth Krupka!

With a second baby there are not nearly the amount of visitors as with a first. That was fine with us as we were able to relax some. Matt spent the first night at the hospital with me, but went home the next morning. He picked Mikayla up from Mom Mom and Pop Pop Krupka's and got her all ready. They came back to the hospital in time to eat lunch.

After eating lunch on Mommy's bed, Mikayla was totally exhausted. We tried to get her to take a nap, but she wouldn't have it. We then found a free movie on the TV and within 10 minutes she was asleep. Finally!

After her nap, Mikayla found some entertainment in the small hospital room with not much to do.

Successful first Day!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Later that Night...

After I was out of the delivery room and in my recovery room, Mikayla and all of the other family came to visit. Mikayla loved holding her new baby sister! It was such a great day for all of us.

Stomach Pains?

I woke up this morning with terrible stomach pains. I originally thought they may be gas pains, but after taking some medicine and an hour without the pains subsiding, I realized they were contractions. They were sporadic and not too terrible so I wasn't too worried. I called Matt to give him the heads up, but told him not to come home yet.

I had an OB appointment in the early afternoon, so I left Mikayla with Mom Mom Krupka and off I went. When I got there, the doctor told me I was 5cm dilated and that I was going to have the baby today! I called Matt and told him to get home! I went home and waited for him. We took off shortly after he came home and I was in serious pain.

We arrived at the hospital and I asked for an epidural. They completed all of the preliminary requirements for an epidural just in time. My epidural worked this time!

I rested for a little while after my epidural kicked was so nice. After an hour of rest, the doctor told me it was time to push. I began pushing and all of the nurses took guesses at the gender of the baby. They all guessed a boy. After 15 minutes of pushing, we found out that they were all wrong! It's a girl!

We were asked for her name....but we didn't have one. Guess that will have to wait for now.
Because my whole family was already at the hospital with my mom (she had surgery earlier in the week), Mikayla was also there. Kristi brought her down to meet her new sister. Boy was she excited!We are so blessed to have two girls!