Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beautiful Weather

Holy Cow!  It has been ions since I have last posted!  I am going to try to fill in the "blanks" as time goes on, but I figured I needed to get back on this bandwagon.

This morning Mikayla and I made another craft.  I have been trying to be purposeful in spending time with her alone.  She has been misbehaving and we think it is her way of getting attention away from her sister.  During Calli's morning nap, I have been making a craft with Mikayla and then reading to her.  I have also let her watch a movie that she loves, without Calli.  After a week of this, I think we are on to something.  Her behavior has already improved!  This morning we made a macaroni letter "A".  She has made a butterfly and a catterpillar as well this week.  She loves showing Daddy her artwork when he gets home.  

Today the weather is beautiful!  It is a balmy 68 degrees and just a slight breeze.  We finally got to go outside to play!  Mikayla went down her slide and Calli was in her jumperoo as I cleared the winter "storage" out of the porch.  After I finished, I put the girls in the wagon and took them to Mom Mom Krupka's.  They had a blast.
When we got back, Mikayla wanted to try her quad that she got last Spring.  She has been afraid of it since she got it because it went so "fast".  She decided to try again today, and she loved it!  I think she has finally hit the age where she can enjoy it.

After spending over an hour outside, the girls crashed at naptime. I love being able to get so much work done while they are napping.  I also love beautiful weather!